Portal Information Architecture

Leitfaden zur Informationsarchitektur für SharePoint …

Eine robuste Informationsarchitektur ist eine wichtige Voraussetzung, um ein gut verwaltetes und gut funktionierendes Portal bereitzustellen. Das Entwerfen der optimalen Struktur erfordert eine detaillierte Planung.


Information architecture guidance for SharePoint Online …

Having a solid information architecture is an important prerequisite for realizing a well-maintained and well-performing portal. Designing the optimal structure requires detailed planning. If not done properly, you can adversely affect user adoption or have significant performance issues; the likelihood of both is very possible.


Portal (architecture) – Wikipedia

Portal (architecture) Jump to navigation Jump to search. This article relies largely or entirely on a single source. Relevant … A portal is an opening in a wall of a building, gate or fortification, especially a grand entrance to an important structure. [page needed] Doors, metal gates, or portcullis in the opening can be used to control entry or exit. The surface surrounding the opening may …


Web Portal Architecture Diagram Examples and Templates

This page presents a well-created web portal architecture diagram and other architecture diagrams created with Edraw. All templates are available to download and edit. Web Portal Architecture Diagram Example A web portal architecture diagram is used to describe the overall structure of your web system. This ready-made web portal architecture template can be easily customized and save you many …


Portal | architecture | Britannica

Other articles where Portal is discussed: architecture: Symbols of function: Portals, from the time of ancient Egyptian temple pylons and Babylonian city gates, became monuments in themselves, used to communicate a heightened significance to what lay behind them. In the Gothic cathedral they became the richest element of the facade—a translation of biblical doctrine into…


Intranet Information Architecture – Prescient Digital

Information architecture (IA) is mostly science with a dash of art. As it relates to the intranet, the IA is best represented by a site map or organization chart of the major information or content categories (parents) and the sub-categories (children) and how they all relate to each other. This white paper examines the art and the science of intranet information architecture, content …


Intranet Information Architecture (IA) Trends

Implementing the right information architecture (IA) and using appropriate navigation elements are essential to a successful intranet and a good user experience. On top of that, intranet IA designers face a tremendous challenge: they have limited sources of inspiration. Because of the very nature of intranets, designers often have few opportunities to see how other intranets structure their …


Information architecture – Wikipedia

Information architecture has somewhat different meanings in different branches of Information systems or Information technology : The structural design of shared information environments. The art and science of organizing and labeling web sites, intranets, online communities, and software to support findability and usability.


Information Architecture for Web Design: Step by Step …

Information architecture (IA) is the science of structuring content as it is applied to news websites or blogs, online stores, booking apps, downloadable software, etc. The goal of information architecture is to classify the content in a clear and understandable way and arrange it according to relations between the content pieces, allowing users to find what they need with less effort. Not …
