Figure Eight Contributor Portal

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Appen – Figure Eight Inc.

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Contributor – Appen

We know that each of our Contributors have their own reasons to task, and we appreciate you being here! How do I sign up for an Appen account? To get started, register your interest by filling in your details here. Once you are set up with your Appen account, just click a task to be prompted to sign up for your Figure Eight account (in addition to the Contributor Portal account) How do I task …

Create your Figure Eight Contributor Portal Account | Figure Eight

After 31st March 2019, Elite portal is no longer available for tasks, so please register to Figure Eight Contributor Portal Account (if you’re not registered already). First register to Figure…

Figure Eight | How it Works, Requirements & More • 1001Ways

Figure Eight Contributor Portal gives contributors access to a list of available microtasks that they can complete from the home. Each task has a specific set of instructions, written by the Task Author who published the task. It’s important that contributors fully understand the task before completing it, as Figure Eight requires contributors to comply with accuracy standards. Once you start tasking, you can withdraw the money earned through Figure Eight Contributor Portal into the …

CrowdFlower | Request Contributor Portal Login Support

Request help to access our contributor support portal. Thanks for your message. Someone will contact you within 2 business days.

Sign Up – Figure Eight Inc.

Must be a new password, be between 12 and 128 characters, contain at least one uppercase, one lowercase, one numeric, and one special character (except space, , /), and may not contain more than 3 consecutive repeats

Appen Contributor Portal

Appen Contributor Portal

How to Make Money by Micro-tasking on FigureEight

Here are some basic features of the FigureEight contributor portal: Tasks are available in the contributor dashboard and you can start working on any task after reading the instructions and description. You will be offered different levels of tasks depending on your skill set and your current performance.

How to make money by Micro-tasking on FigureEight

How to Cash In on Micro Jobs with Appen (Figure Eight …

Figure Eight Elite. Figure Eight Elite was replaced by the Contributor Portal in the spring of 2019. If you had a Figure Eight Elite Contributor Portal account, it is unfortunately no longer available. Appen tips and tricks. You might notice that some of the better paying jobs are harder to land than others. However, there are some things you can do to improve your chances of getting good tasks.

How to Cash In on Micro Jobs with Appen (Figure Eight)